What to expect

At Plattsburgh Nazarene, you'll be welcomed into a friendly, casual environment by people who are excited to see you. We want you to have an idea of what to expect when you arrive at Plattsburgh Nazarene. All you have to do is come as you are and find out more for yourself!

What are the services like and how long are they?

 Our service starts at 10:00 am and consists of a mix of traditional and contemporary music and lasts about 1 hour and 15 minutes.

How should I dress?

Comfortably! We are more concerned with meeting you than with what you wear.  You'll see nearly every style of clothing from casual to business professional.

What about my kids?

Kids are a very big deal at our church! We desire to reach and teach children in such a way that they have  the greatest opportunity to become fully developing followers of Christ. Our children's ministry is a safe and fun environment for kids to grow in their relationship with God and others. Our children's ministry is designed to minister to children from Birth through 3rd Grade.  The nursery is available for children ages birth to 3 years old for the entire Worship Service and kids 4 years old to 3rd grade will worship together with the adults and be dismissed prior to the start of the message.

Where are we located?